Brand new On-the-go packs suitable for different industry sectors to hold essentials for use when traveling, working and shopping.

There are in four different options available to suit your needs and requirements.

On-the-go Commuter Packs

Option 1: Pillow pack, 10ml Hand Sanitiser with Atomiser, Customised Face Mask

Option 2: Pillow pack, 10ml Hand Sanitiser with Atomiser, 2x Disposable Face Masks

On-the-go Hospitality Packs

Option 1: Pillow Pack, 10ml Hand Sanitiser with Atomiser, Customised Face Mask, 2x Neapolitan Chocolates

Option 2: Pillow Pack, 10ml Hand Sanitiser with Atomiser, 2x Disposable Face Masks, 2x Neapolitan Chocolates


Looking for something else? We have other pack options available if you are looking for someting in particular.

Get in touch today to find out more!

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